Friday, July 5, 2019

HP M1136 Printer Driver

Hi All,

I faced an  issue while installing M1136 HP MFP in Windows 10, while on executing the exe, there was nothing happening further .

Found a way around by extracting the exe file and running the setup directly.

Step 1:

Download the file from here :!xVJCmCYR!NYEe_9bx-swLF1AKSifezU_h6K1zgI3JHDEelyKr6kw

Step 2: Unzip the file (its in 7zip format, you can download 7zip from

Step 3:

Run the exe highlighted and follow the steps further in the installation.

Done !

Oracle OIC Email Notification Template

 Oracle HTML template for email notification <html> <body style="margin: 0px; background-color: rgb(226, 229, 232);"> ...